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Makhtoumgholi Feraghi opinions and thoughts, theory of manifestation

Makhtoumgholi Feraghi opinions and thoughts, theory of manifestation

encyclopedia of Islamic philosophers’ theories, second volume, Makhtoumgholi Feraghi publishing company.

The most important idea is the light that is the reason for lucidity and is the reason of the illumination of the world.

Translation: “God” due to his grace and mercifulness illuminates the living things.

First Explanation:

Creation of the world is because of the manifestation of God who created everything.

Second Explanation:

Unless the beholder is captivated by God, he won’t perceive what he sees.

Third Explanation:

Khajeh Abdollah Ansari: Manifestation of God is a sparkle when illuminated, the lover will be disabled by its glory of the lucidity. Such Manifestation is a sudden affair but can be seen by the heart within and the more manifestation, the more effectiveness.

Fourth Explanation:

Any beauty deserves a gracefulness. And behind any curtain of gracefulness there is beauty. Beauty is required by God and he deserves it. Beauty is the manifestation of God.

Fifth Explanation:  

God has given its beauty to every living thing. And looked at any living thing with love of beauty.

Sixth Explanation:

Great mystics stated that they see the God by the eye of him.

Seventh Explanation:  

Great mystics even associate their beholding to beholding of the God.

Eighths Explanation:

All beings are described as divine treasures throughout the universe.

Nineth Explanation:

The world is all because of God’s presence, it is a right that is manifested in the presence of all possibilities. And all possible things do not have a presence due to they are a sign of God, however are not completely detached from it-God.

Tenth Explanation:

The universe is created since it is the divine manifestation of God.


Eleventh Explanation:

“God who is manifested in anything that thing must be obedient and submissive,” God said. Anything omnipresent will remember God as holy and divine entity.

Twelfths Explanation:

The universe won’t have an end to it and will not be complete other than that with manifestation of God, hence there will be an updated science.


1.Almojamolsophie, Sadolhakim, Professor of Lebanon Mythic University.

  1. Mystic Encyclopedia, Seyed Jafar Sajadi, Mystic & Philosophy Professor of University of Tehran


Opinions and thoughts of Makhtoumgholi Feraghi / Theory of relativity and gravity and circular movement

Opinions and thoughts of Makhtoumgholi Feraghi

Theory of relativity and gravity and circular movement

Encyclopedia of Islamic Mystics

second volume

published by of Makhtoumgholi Feraghi

Author: Mohammad Abdolsamad (Samad) Badraghnejad

Arsh means the sky and its motion is circular and is the most perfect movement in physics. Farsh means the earth and it looks smooth due to the force of gravity.

First explanation;

The great mystics and Islamic scientists were well acquainted with the concept of relativity and the theory of circular motion and gravity and it was recorded in their works but this caused the greatest scientific error that Islamic scientists and great mystics have encountered. The theories and laws presented in their works were not scientifically formulated in their mathematical language,” Samad Badraqnejad said. I do not ignore the thoughts of the western world and European’s efforts as if great humans have never ignored deep thoughts.

Second explanation;

Professor Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has thousands of meanings and hundreds of thousands of articles have been written about it. But it is not complete. one conveys that due to the relation between weight, gravity and space, the universe has borders in a circular shape (curved).

Third explanation;

According to Islamic scientists and great mystics, there is no stationary body, they are all moving and no forces can prevent the movement of planets, stars and galaxies. According to the Islamic thinkers, movement is even generalized to particles and movement is a universal law.