Philosophical and analytical thought of united reason (unity of reason, mathematical wisdom)

Philosophical and analytical thought of united reason (unity of reason, mathematical wisdom)

Project, human, glob, mathematics

Author: Mohammad Abdolsamad Badraghnezhad

Makhtoumgholi Feraghi Publishing institute


In human’s body there are lots of liquids, the liquid inside our mouth is sweet, liquid in eyes is salty, the liquid inside the ears is bitter. Also, probably due to diseases our lungs make harmful water. The liquid of our urine and one derived from nose and others can be other types of our body liquid.

The earth and nature,

In the nature the liquid of seas is salty, there are lakes and rivers that their water inside is sweet, there are springs in the mountainous areas that their liquid is really bitter and inedible, the items mentioned are the most important items and known. Also, there might be liquids that are poisonous and contains Sulfur and other industrial liquids that humans make in laboratory and atomic installations.


In mathematics there are four major groups as follows, 1, cardinal numbers, 2. arithmetic numbers, 3. rational numbers 4, real numbers and imaginary ones. Other numbers as Fibonacci, Reynolds, Grassman, Mach, Malthous are taken from cardinal set of numbers.


First explanation,

The most important controversy about human project, globe, mathematics would be like this that we can expand the research field of the students and professors’ insight at university about human realization.

Second explanation,

The most important idea about philosophical thought and analysis of the united reason is that whatever scattered in the glob, in the united human world is altogether and united which this notion is perceived more for all humans.

Third explanation,

One of our projects in the project of humans, globe, mathematics, science, philosophy is conciliation of these elements and philosophical realities must be correspondent with scientific developments.

Fourth explanation,

One of the outcomes that we encounter in project of human, globe, mathematics is that human, globe and science has taught us they all have a united technique.


Fifth Explanation,

Based on the fourth explanation we need to ask how it is possible

And the answer is clear that you can see and feel it


Sixth explanation,

As per all these victories that is in project of human, globe, mathematics we realize that thoughtfulness is open to everyone by scientists for thousands of years and is a basis for all creation world and has no end to it.


Seventh explanation,

Power of life and upheaval are two fundamental realities and they are two interpretations which can be feasible and effective through experimental and simple methods.

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