Collection of Open Letters to Iranians and Iranian Economists
For financial effectiveness unlikely economical goods will have no intrinsic value and only they are valuable with social contracts and credits. The value of the money is related to the goods that we can buy with that and not because of the direct usage of the money, these days we have two common definitions for commercial money, M1 that are consisted of current monetary system and current deposit.
Second Definition: Vast definition of money, M2, that other than M1 includes the money with high liquidity such as saving accounts and the rates of interest that are paid for the movement and progression of business cycles. People for getting loans from banks that its investors are people and companies will pay as much interest freely because the fees paid to them from the bank will empower them buy their requirements and they can invest for earning profit. The production of such system is called business cycles.
After mathematics there has been an absolute convergence between economic growth and business cycles.
Regarding the theory of growth and business cycles and their relation with mathematical functions, economical effectiveness, environmental effectiveness is a criterion or an approach that will lead to efficiency in the theory of growth and business cycles and will maximize the management performance. On the strength of mathematical functions, we will have the third-degree function

Collection of Open Letters to Iranian Patriotic People and Economists in Connection with the 2018 Crisis
/in Human World Math, NotesCollection of Open Letters to Iranian Patriotic People and Economists in Connection with the 2018 Crisis;
In connection with the theory of growth and business cycles and its relation with mathematical functions;
Economic effectiveness, social effectiveness, environmental effectiveness is a measure or process that leads to efficiency in growth theory and business cycles and maximizes management performance; Based on mathematical functions we will have; In the case of the cubic function
In the equation y = 0 because it is quadratic in the equation c/a<0 . The equation always has two different answers with various signs, so there is always a maximum and a minimum for the function.
Collection of Open Letters to Iranian and Economists for Increasing the Value of the Currency and Preservation of Capital and Increasing the Profit in the Economy of Iran
/in NotesCollection of Open Letters to Iranian and Economists for Increasing the Value of the Currency
and Preservation of Capital and Increasing the Profit in the Economy of Iran
Mathematical analysis of the efficiency of the capital market and lowering the risk for investors in the stock market and OTC, if a line is tangent to a curve of a function (or two curves are tangent together) the equation of touching the curve and the line has double root which the double root is the length of the touching point. Explanation, using optimized ways for production and keeping inventors and scientists of knowledge enterprise companies is an obligation yet to be taken on the shoulder of holding companies. But they do not care about the costs on researches. Thus we will have:
Therefore, the equation x2-2x-3+c=0 must have double root denoting (delta or delta prime) of the equation equals 0.
Collection of Open Letters to the Youth of the Islamic world
/in NotesCollection of Open Letters to the Youth of the Islamic world :
We need to Inform the successes of the Academy of Sciences of the Islamic World, in the field of economics, based on relative extremum in the theory of consumption function and demands in the Iranian school of economy, no society will be without the option of consumption and demand, for each member of society there will essentially be production and cost therefore we have:
a relative minimum value x = -1: f
a relative maximum value x = 3/2: f
The fundamental principle in this theory is that any society is formed based on needs and requirements.
Collection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran
/in Human World Math, NotesCollection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran:
In terms of GDP, GDP represents Gross Domestic Product, G represents government spending, X represents export earnings and M represents imports. With this relation, the scientific culture of the country, the service industry (tourism), the macro strategies of the ruling system, for example, if Iran follows the theory of global ethics, humanity for humanity in global politics, in an interconnected global economy can be the country known as stable and can improve the living conditions of the people and the region.
In previous letters, it was mentioned that Iran’s economy has the wrong income and expenditure structure, and this has led to an irregular cycle of supply and demand shocks and the political reactions of the people and the world. To express the theory mathematically, we use asymptotic vertical lines of the function fx , x2+x-2/x2-1 . In general, government policies in macroeconomics and economic activities of consumption and investment are interactive and are vertical asymptomatic and cover all the affairs of the country.
A Collection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran;
/in Human World Math, NotesA Collection of Open Letters to the Patriotic People and Economists of Iran ;
Theory of Efficiency in the Iranian School of Economic Thought ;
What is the most fundamental controversy in this theory about the way economics really works? Helps to improve the quality of life of people, the evolution of economics with empirical observations creates a close relationship between economics and humans; The structure of the human brain with the diagrams of the nervous system gives us very clear explanations about the most fundamental foundations of economics in the future and today’s and whatever it is. The structure of the human brain tells us that economics is accelerating. This is unquestionable. In the structure of the human brain, our best value with the data of the nervous system in connection with the discovery of the correspondence of economics and the speed that leads to the development of economics and its results provides us with an accepted image of human and economics. The function f in order to be continuous on R, the denominator of the fraction must always be opposite zero, that is, the equation X2+aX+1=0 must not have roots.
Open letter to Iranian People and Economists
/in NotesOpen letter to Iranian People and Economists :
According to open letters at the end of 1996 and early 1997, if the performance tax was exempted from money and capital market companies (stock exchange and over-the-counter finance market), the expected return on long-term and short-term stocks and securities will ascendingly increase in the capital market and Inflation will be managed as production increases and government expenditure will decrease and government revenue will get high accordingly. According to the diagram of the identity function in the set of real numbers (for example, for eliminating and removing the risks of money and capital markets) for each economic policy entry- risks of fictitious inflation caused by the distress in the US international economy- the devaluation of money in the Iranian economy will be out and in ix = x the range and domain of the function are equal and the diagram of identity function will be in the set of real numbers of the first and third quarters of bisector of the line y = x according to the explanation that I will give.
Collection of Open Letters to Iranian and Iranian Economists
/in NotesCollection of Open Letters to Iranian and Iranian Economists
The aim in keeping the strategy of capital and profit making is the use of conditions in inverse function. Hence a function is called inverse when is one to one or injective. What is the meaning of injective? It denotes that each line parallel to the x-axis intersects the function graph at a maximum of one point.
The diagram of the set of inverse functions will be published in the future editions.
Collection of Open Letters to the Iranian People and Iranian Economists
/in NotesCollection of Open Letters to the Iranian People and Iranian Economists:
In order to preserve capital (to keep the value of the national currency constant and fixed and prevent its devaluation against the currencies of the world’s economy) Iranians in the current situation must focus on one-to-one (injective) function that its philosophy is capital preservation, if they do not accept it, the result will be the opposite, we will face a double devaluation of the national currency. Residual trades or haphazard ones for self-interest will decrease the value of domestic products, all citizens must be a function (practically), to practice the strategy of one-to-one function, all Iranian citizens must have unanimous agreement on one spot as the capital preservation and profit making.
Collection of Open Letters to Iranians and Iranian Economists
/in Theories, Human World MathCollection of Open Letters to Iranians and Iranian Economists
For financial effectiveness unlikely economical goods will have no intrinsic value and only they are valuable with social contracts and credits. The value of the money is related to the goods that we can buy with that and not because of the direct usage of the money, these days we have two common definitions for commercial money, M1 that are consisted of current monetary system and current deposit.
Second Definition: Vast definition of money, M2, that other than M1 includes the money with high liquidity such as saving accounts and the rates of interest that are paid for the movement and progression of business cycles. People for getting loans from banks that its investors are people and companies will pay as much interest freely because the fees paid to them from the bank will empower them buy their requirements and they can invest for earning profit. The production of such system is called business cycles.
After mathematics there has been an absolute convergence between economic growth and business cycles.
Regarding the theory of growth and business cycles and their relation with mathematical functions, economical effectiveness, environmental effectiveness is a criterion or an approach that will lead to efficiency in the theory of growth and business cycles and will maximize the management performance. On the strength of mathematical functions, we will have the third-degree function
Collection of Open Letters to the Iranian People and Iranian Economists
/in NotesCollection of Open Letters to the Iranian People and Iranian Economists :
For prevention of degradation of national currency of Iranians, we will develop the theory of efficacy of the capital and stop devaluation using that
output / input = efficiency
Relating outputs with consumed financial resources for production and their submission (in fact inputs) will lead to an important relation namely efficiency, so all of multifaceted schemes for fundamental changes in Iranian school of economic thought will be done with theory of service and money, therefore for the theory of capital as the efficiency criteria we will have the efficient performance of profit-making units with impact on the current theory of dividends, also impact on using capital for future supplication of the stocks. Submission of the purchase card for finalizing the plan of empowering students, university students and university professors to the amount of 200,100 to 300 thousand tomans for readers and publishing market and leading citizens to promote literacy in the country that it is the aspiration of our nations.